Data available for scheduling decisions
- busy times / slow times
- number of hours required / allowed for each worker
- times you need workers
- required breaks
- availability of workers
- qualifications to work (what job they can do)
- how fast they can arrive / short term needs
Harm in using data for scheduling
- need human understanding of when people really should be scheduled
- could put in rules to minimize too frequent work but they don’t
- maybe this would not be possible
- if people don’t quit then minimal rules makes for easier scheduling
- good workers get better shifts - human intuition as to what’s best
- but maybe you can quantify good workers through tips - datify work
Benefits to using data to schedule
- faster without much work
- reduced labor cost to business by minimizing number of worker hours
- more objective
How data could be used to benefit workers
- what is google doing? (see video)