- whether you’re a student
- economic status
- location
- where you shop
- age
- websites you look at
- what you search for / google
- where you check in / where you are and how often
- what you like
- your photos
- political bias
- friends
What data for advertising
- words on Twitter
- likes on Facebook
- what words
- groundtruth - compare known correlations
Ethics of using twitter/facebook to draw correlations and target advertising
- you’ve agreed to the contract
- but do you really know what is in there?
- have they laid out what you are agreeing to?
- if you don’t read it is that on you?
- but this agreement is coerced
- you’ve entered data
- beneficial to both parties - advertisers want to tailor and you only want useful ads
- people who have data have a moral obligation to protect the data from use you haven’t agreed to